世界各地で行われている新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックに伴うロックダウン。そんな中で、トラベルフォトライターという世界を飛び回ることを仕事にしてきたErin Sullivanさんも自宅での隔離を余儀なくされました。
Thanks a ton for all the recommendations in my stories on where I should visit next! 😂 I thought I’d make the first stop Spaghetti Swamp. There are lots of winding channels to paddle through here. Weird place. ✧ I know that many of you are photographers, or are interested in photography. And I want you to know that there is so much to learn and discover every day, in the most seemingly mundane things. Let’s take the work of someone you consider to be a photography legend. Look at their work, and see the way they have studied their subject in order to capture it. Disregard what the actual subject is, that’s arbitrary. Look at the way the light travels across the surface, the treatment of color, the specific textures, the contrast and attention to detail. It is possible (MORE than possible!) to pay this kind of attention to your everyday, not just the things you would consider to be spectacular or extraordinary. You may find that your everyday is just that. Truly SEEing is the important part. ✧ Image created with model train figures, tin foil, and an outrageous amount of spaghetti that I will be eating for the next week at least. 🍝 ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors #OurGreatIndoors
Erin Sullivan(@erinoutdoors)がシェアした投稿 -
Would ya look at that? It’s an Instagram rest area among the watermelon. Stay as long as you’d like. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, allow yourself to be transported, if only for a moment. 🍉 ✧ One of the lessons that I am continually learning is that I don’t have to “do” all the time. I have to remind myself often that the rest–– the doing nothing, the long quiet afternoon, the aimless walk–– these are instrumental to understanding myself, and therefore to fulfilling my purpose here on Earth. For a long time I thought I needed permission to experience restfulness. There wasn’t enough time for a pause. Now I know nothing more crucial than that. 💗 ✧ This set is a study for a record jacket I am doing for @vinylmoonco. People ask about the process. I sketch it out, then I work with the materials. In this case, I’d cut the watermelon, stare at the watermelon, move the watermelon… and repeat... until I arrive at something I like. ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors #OurGreatIndoors
Erin Sullivan(@erinoutdoors)がシェアした投稿 -
幼い日の風景から、あの頃の香りまでも感じられるジオラマが作られました | BUZZAP!(バザップ!)
レトロながらサイバーパンク、機械に潜む小人たちを描くミニチュア写真作品「Ghosts in the Machine」 | BUZZAP!(バザップ!)
自宅に転がる日用品を宇宙船にリミックスしてみたら…こんなにクールなことになりました | BUZZAP!(バザップ!)
見ているだけで脳がバグりだす、グリッチにまみれた木造彫刻 | BUZZAP!(バザップ!)
合わせ鏡で異世界への無限回廊を開いてしまったインスタレーション作品 | BUZZAP!(バザップ!)