

世界各地で行われている新型コロナウイルスのパンデミックに伴うロックダウン。そんな中で、トラベルフォトライターという世界を飛び回ることを仕事にしてきたErin Sullivanさんも自宅での隔離を余儀なくされました。




Gotta love an afternoon visit to Jello Lake 🌲 And before you guys ask, YES I WAS allowed to fly my drone here!! 🙄😉 ✧ Over the past few weeks I have been thinking a lot about the nature of creativity and how ideas come to us. These days it is easy to feel like you are in competition, but I have never once experienced this to be the posture that supports long-term success or a feeling of peace. We cannot hold onto our ideas so tightly that we suffocate them. I believe ideas are given to us from God (or whoever/whatever your higher power is) and we’re just the stewards. Like love, celebration, and laughter, creativity can really shine when it is shared. (@elizabeth_gilbert_writer has a wonderful book about this concept called Big Magic. It’s also a big topic in The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I recommend both.) ✧ This set was made with jel dessert (vegan jello), asparagus, and train figures in a pie dish. So many of you have been curious to see behind-the-scenes footage or a hyperlapse of me creating one of these scenes... so if you are interested, check out @rei’s latest IGTV video! 🥳 ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors #OurGreatIndoors

Erin Sullivan(@erinoutdoors)がシェアした投稿 -


Some pretty sweet dunes… literally. 🤓 Here we have the Sugar Sand Dunes, located on a sheet in my bedroom. Luckily we got a permit. Lots to look at. My friend just couldn’t seem to stop pointing at stuff! ✧ This project has been a great challenge for me in many ways. The parameters I set for myself when embarking on this very tiny journey were: 1. Create outdoor scenes out of household objects (obviously) 2. Shoot things I’d normally shoot, as if the scenes were real 3. Only use Photoshop to enhance an image, do not make it essential 4. Make the scenes as believable as possible For me, having a set of guidelines for a series is what helps me decide what belongs and what doesn’t. It gives me handrails throughout the process. ✧ I’ve created a couple of scenes so far that didn’t make it into the series, and I’m sure I’ll make more that don’t feel like a fit. That’s ok. That’s part of if–– study is vital. Practice, too. In this particular instance, mine just happens to look like a tiny train person standing on a mound of sugar. ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors • #OurGreatIndoors

Erin Sullivan(@erinoutdoors)がシェアした投稿 -


Ahhh, a stroll through the @gomacro mountains, where we found some quite chocolatey features. Normally I would tell my friends to avoid licking the scenery, but in this case it all appeared to be edible and you don’t even need a permit. 😂 Flavors included banana + almond butter, double chocolate + peanut butter chips, oatmeal chocolate chip, and maple sea salt to name a few. 😛 ✧ Under different circumstances, I’d be snacking on these while outdoors on a hike or shoot. But staying home has introduced a whole new style of adventure–– involving less movement and more imagination. 💭 ✧ Thank you to @gomacro for loving the #OurGreatIndoors series and wanting to explore with me! If you are interested in experiencing some of the plant-based bars pictured here, you can use code “NEWFLAVOR30” for 30% off your order from gomacro.com. ✧ See if you can find the tiny bars in the 2nd & 3rd images. Also - all these bars were saved and snacked on 😊♥️ #gomacro #biggerthanabar #sponsored

Erin Sullivan(@erinoutdoors)がシェアした投稿 -


Thanks a ton for all the recommendations in my stories on where I should visit next! 😂 I thought I’d make the first stop Spaghetti Swamp. There are lots of winding channels to paddle through here. Weird place. ✧ I know that many of you are photographers, or are interested in photography. And I want you to know that there is so much to learn and discover every day, in the most seemingly mundane things. Let’s take the work of someone you consider to be a photography legend. Look at their work, and see the way they have studied their subject in order to capture it. Disregard what the actual subject is, that’s arbitrary. Look at the way the light travels across the surface, the treatment of color, the specific textures, the contrast and attention to detail. It is possible (MORE than possible!) to pay this kind of attention to your everyday, not just the things you would consider to be spectacular or extraordinary. You may find that your everyday is just that. Truly SEEing is the important part. ✧ Image created with model train figures, tin foil, and an outrageous amount of spaghetti that I will be eating for the next week at least. 🍝 ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors #OurGreatIndoors

Erin Sullivan(@erinoutdoors)がシェアした投稿 -


Would ya look at that? It’s an Instagram rest area among the watermelon. Stay as long as you’d like. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, allow yourself to be transported, if only for a moment. 🍉 ✧ One of the lessons that I am continually learning is that I don’t have to “do” all the time. I have to remind myself often that the rest–– the doing nothing, the long quiet afternoon, the aimless walk–– these are instrumental to understanding myself, and therefore to fulfilling my purpose here on Earth. For a long time I thought I needed permission to experience restfulness. There wasn’t enough time for a pause. Now I know nothing more crucial than that. 💗 ✧ This set is a study for a record jacket I am doing for @vinylmoonco. People ask about the process. I sketch it out, then I work with the materials. In this case, I’d cut the watermelon, stare at the watermelon, move the watermelon… and repeat... until I arrive at something I like. ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors #OurGreatIndoors

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Lately I could really use a float in the clear waters of the 🌿Parsley Oasis🌿. It’s a bit of a hike to get to, but such a treat to take a refreshing dip in the glass-like pools 💧🤓 ✧ As countries begin conversations about opening up again, many have asked me if I’ll continue this series after quarantine. The answer is yes. These tiny adventures have helped me tremendously during this time, and have made a home for themselves in my body of work. This series has been a lesson in infinite possibility. A reminder that there are creative solutions to be found. ✧ Materials: glass bowl on a scarf, parsley, model train figure. ✧ PRINTS ARE AVAILABLE & will be updated today with images from my last few posts. Head to prints.erinoutdoors.com to browse, and use code “GREATINDOORS20” for 20% off from this series. ♥️ ✧ #OurGreatIndoors #ErinsGreatIndoors

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Was feeling like a magical snowy adventure, so I figured it was worth a trip to Sweet Potato Pass. Fascinating formations, and the snow is edible 😉❄️ ✧ People have asked me if the scenes in this series are meant to replicate real places I’ve been. They are… but only kind of. It isn’t supposed to be literal. For me, photography has been a way to capture the feeling in a fleeting moment. My editing process exists just to get more specific to what that feeling is. So more than an actual place that I’ve been, I’m blending the literal with the fantasy and hoping that the result is a feeling. ✧ This one could be any snowy place you’ve been. Anytime you’ve felt surrounded by sparkle and wonder. Maybe when you were a kid. Or maybe you’ve only ever seen snow in dreams or your imagination. Whatever the feeling is, that’s what’s real. ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors #OurGreatIndoors

Erin Sullivan(@erinoutdoors)がシェアした投稿 -


Just a couple of gal pals enjoying a stroll in the Herb Jungle (in this particular section we have chives and dill). I imagine them talking about what kinds of plants and wildlife they’ve found along the way. Hopefully they aren’t lost. 🌿 ✧ I always appreciate hearing what you imagine the characters in my images are saying (or thinking). Anybody got a narrative on what these two are up to? Comment a dialogue or a little story. I’ll send prints to my favorites. 😁 ✧ Pretty simple set-up here–– chives and dill stuck into a foam block. I put some parsley and colored pencils in the background to give it more depth. I buy my lil model train figures online from hobby shops, and shoot this series with my @sonyalpha a7Riii with 90mm f2.8 macro lens. FAQs are in my story highlight if you want a refresher. 🤓 #alphacollective ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors #OurGreatIndoors

Erin Sullivan(@erinoutdoors)がシェアした投稿 -


A moonlit stroll through the Mushroom Grove. If you have ever stepped outside when there is a full moon so bright you can see your shadow–– that’s what I wanted to create here. That feeling of wonder, of delight, of connectedness and otherworldliness and yet the humbling reminder of your human size on a very big rock. ✧ Mushroom Grove isn’t a real place but the feeling is real. All of these places, they’re temporarily located in my bedroom and on your screen, but they are also found in all of our minds. ✧ The imagination is a powerful thing, and a gift to have. Keep yours flowing. Honor the curious questions that come to greet you. What you pay attention to is what you get more of. ✧ Now go look at the supermoon. 🌝 ✧ #ErinsGreatIndoors #OurGreatIndoors

Erin Sullivan(@erinoutdoors)がシェアした投稿 -


幼い日の風景から、あの頃の香りまでも感じられるジオラマが作られました | BUZZAP!(バザップ!)

レトロながらサイバーパンク、機械に潜む小人たちを描くミニチュア写真作品「Ghosts in the Machine」 | BUZZAP!(バザップ!)

自宅に転がる日用品を宇宙船にリミックスしてみたら…こんなにクールなことになりました | BUZZAP!(バザップ!)

見ているだけで脳がバグりだす、グリッチにまみれた木造彫刻 | BUZZAP!(バザップ!)

合わせ鏡で異世界への無限回廊を開いてしまったインスタレーション作品 | BUZZAP!(バザップ!)

